Weekly event: Challenge Monster King

The Dinoland will never have a leisurely weekend. The Darkie Monster King - Zayn leads the strong army will strike the land every weekend with the most hungry and fierce. Zayn is a monster from the Dark with great destructive power. No way an individual Dino can defeat him. Gathering all Dino around and defeating this army to save the territory.

Let focus on these instructions:

  1. ZAYN will appear on Saturday and Sunday, at 8:30 UTC and will exist in 4 hours.

  2. There are 2 types of ZAYN:

    • Type 1: For Normal and Rare Dino. This ZAYN only appears at 8h30 UTC on Saturday (250 WDNL/ticket).

    • Type 2: For Rare, Super rare, Legendary and Mystic Dino. This AWAKED ZAYN only appears at 8h30 UTC on Sunday (400 WDNL/ticket).

    Of Course, the rewards of 2 types of ZAYN are different.

  3. You need to spend some WDNL to buy a ticket to fight the Monster King.

  4. Zayn challenge squad needs at least 1 Dino and maximum 4 Dinos.

  5. You can buy more tickets to battle with a small amount of WDNL to race to the top damaged Zayn.

  6. The Darkie Monster King event has a ranked system (based on your damage point, and a range)

  7. Players who joins the battle will have a chance to get the reward as BUSD/ NFT and other items which will be sent to Players immediately after the Darkie Monster King event is ended. There are 2 cases will happen (Defeated and Undefeated, so the rewards has a little different between 2 cases).

There will be half of all players will get rewards:

  • Top players with the highest Damage point on Zayn will have a special reward, The higher damage you strike Zayn, the higher reward you could get. (About 250-300 player depend on sold tickets)

  • The others will be randomly selected to prize.

  • Best of all, a SPECIAL AMOUNT OF PRIZE with BUSD and game items will be a big surprise for the one who gives ZAYN last hit before he is defeated.

How to calculate damage on boss:

Damage of squad = Total attack of Dinos * Total Rarity * Total Level * Randomly Rate * Bonus Diverse Classes * Rate of ticket

  • Attack of Dino:

Dino ClassesPoint

Novis class


Aquis class


Terros class


  • Rarity of Dino:

Rarity of DinoPoint





Super rare






  • Randomly rate: From 0,98 to 1,02

  • Bonus Diverse Classes: Equal 1 or 1,3 (If you have full 3 Dino classes)

  • Rate of ticket: Once you buy more ticket, you have bonus 2% to the max range on rate (the first ticket will start from 1 add 0,02 for each time you buy next ticket)

For example, you have these Dinos:


A - Rare





B - Rare





C - Supper Rare





D - Legend





Total Damage of Dinos = Attack of (A + B + C + D) = 10 + 15 + 12 + 10 = 47

Total Rarity = Rarity of (A+ B + C + D) = 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 11

Total Level = Level of (A + B + C + D) = 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 16

Bonus Diverse Classes is 1.3 because you have Dinos from all 3 classes

Assume your Randomly Rate is 1,02

Rate of ticket this time is 1,04 (Here is your 2nd buy ticket)

=> Damage of squad = 47 * 11 * 16 * 1,3 *1,02 * 1,04 = 11,407.41888 (Damage)

Just one thing to remember: Don't forget Challenge Darkie Monster King unless you want to loss a big chance to claim a huge bag of W-DNL!

The details about Prizes for this EVENT will be informed on Friday each week (How many tokens for Tops, Last hitter and everyone join the Challenge) to Dinoland game community.

Last updated